Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is the hotel we stayed at on top of the Mt. How they managed to build a hotel up there is beyond me. There were a couple other hotels up there to choose from but this one claimed to have the best views for the sunrise.
6:00am sunrise
They had these wonderful big red coats in our closet to wear for the chilly sunrise.

These are some beautiful views of the Mountain. We hiked the 6 hours down the mountain on Friday morning. Hiking down was one of the scariest things I have ever done. Looking down at nothing but narrow concrete stairs is not an image I look forward to seeing again. My knees were shaking non-stop. A couple times I just froze looking down with steep cliffs on either side of me with no railings. With a lot of encouragement from the friends I was with we all made it down safe and sound. Needles to say it is now two days later and my body hates me. Sitting down and standing back up is not an easy feat for me right now. I dread going to work tomorrow and climbing the three sets of stairs to my classroom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

brave soul...I would have poopied my pants. But your pics are amazingly gorgeous...too bad the coats weren't purple.
-Amanda H.

1:04 AM  

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