Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to post a one month update (I can't believe I've lived in Shanghai for one month already) First of all, things are going really good. I have been enjoying Shanghai, meeting new friends from all over the world, meeting up with old friends from college, teaching Kindergarten and just soaking up as much as I can.
When we first arrived in Shanghai we stayed in a hotel across the street from the school. Our principal and his wife have been so wonderful in showing us around, looking at apartments, getting us registered with the police department, taking us to new restaurants and introducing us to new foods. They have helped to make the transition so easy.
The first week here we had to have a medical check (all foreigners working in Shanghai have to go through a medical check when they arrive). This was the strangest experience any of us had ever been through and a great hysterical memory to start off our time here.
First they give you a number when you register, when your number is called they point you to a room to change your shirt and put on a robe and they give you booties to cover your shoes. Then they point you to room number one down this hallway with numbered doors (meanwhile you see foreigners in robes walking from room to room, quite funny). To keep this short I was dircted into 6 different rooms for different tests consisting of blood work for HIV testing, chest x-ray, ultrasound, heart monitoring (This one was the strangest! The lady pointed to a bed for me to lay down, she opened up my robe and placed little suction cups all over my chest and placed a metal clamp on my ankle, (I just prayed that they weren't going to electricute me), it took 30 seconds, then she took the suctions off and told me to go to the next room). In the end a lady tells you that your fine and to go put your clothes back on. We have had many jokes about this day!
We have done a lot of sightseeing and a lot of walking. The weather is extremely hot and humid. I am looking forward to it cooling down a bit. Our apartment and classrooms are airconditioned which is essential right now. My roommate and I have been running in the mornings but the humidity just drains us for the rest of the day. I'm looking forward to getting a gym membership after payday!!!
School is going well. I'm learning a lot about patience!! The students are adorable and just want so much love and attention. Hearing Ms. Suzanne a hundred times a day gets a little annoying, but it's so cute. I do miss being called my last name, but everyone is called by their first name here. I have 12 students right now, 9 boys and 3 girls. This makes for a very rowdy dynamic in the classroom. Two of my boys don't speak very much English, so it has been a challenge for them and myself. It's exciting to see them pick it up more and more everyday.
Last weekend we went to the Yuyuan gardens. They are the last pictures posted. It is a beautiful garden placed in the middle of the city. There is an entrance fee and it's gated so you don't realize your in a city while going through the gardens. I'm sure there are many more gardens to be explored in Shanghai, I'm looking forward to see them.
I will be hooking up a Vontage phone system in the near future which will allow me unlimited calls to the U.S for only $25 a month. I will have a local Rochester, NY number for my family to call me for free. Everyone is able to call me also, as just a long distance call to NY. Just remember there is a 12 hour time distance from the East Coast, I would love to hear from everyone, just not at 3:30 in the morning:) My new number will be (585) 419-6733. I can't wait to hear from you, I'll put a post when I get it hooked up.
There is a Chinese holiday in October that gives us a week off of school that I am trying to plan for. It's amazing to try and choose a place to visit, when so many incredible locations are at our fingertips. I'll keep you posted on what wonderful destination I choose.
Thank you to everyone who has been checking out this blog and leaving comments. It's nice to see people checking up on me and wishing me a safe and wonderful time here. Keep checking it out there will be lots to come!


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