Tuesday, October 24, 2006

One of the committes that I am on at school is called Roots and Shoots. Roots and Shoots is an organization developed by Dr. Jane Goodall. It's a service organization that promotes care and concern for animals, environment and people. My school has become a piloting school for implementing an orangic garden through the Roots and Shoots organization. The students have been working very hard planting seeds, creating worm farms, looking at different types of soil and composting.

I had the awesome opportunity to meet Dr. Jane Goodall last Friday. She visited our school to see the progess we are making in our organic garden and to visit the Shanghai Zoo (which is in our backyard). All the classes made display boards to show Dr. Goodall all the wonderful things we've been doing. It was such a fantastic experience. She is an amazing women and truely and inspiration!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man oh man that is so cool that you met jane goodall. do you know how many papers i wrote on her at potsdam?? i'm so envious. did you give her a banana? i told you i checked this thing out every now and then.

11:05 AM  
Blogger I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

that is so fabulous! i can't believe you met jane goodall! i hope all is well! miss you!

9:37 PM  

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