Monday, April 02, 2007

Xin Nian Kui La! Happy Chinese New Year! We had a week off of school in celebration of this festive Chinese holiday. I decided to stay in Shanghai and celebrate the New Year here. What an eventful experience it was. There were red lanterns hung everywhere! It was really beautiful to see. Most of the following pictures are from the Yuyuan gardens. They had a wonderful light display set up and activities going on all week. New Years Eve is an experience like non-other. Fireworks are legal to buy in China and everyone and their Uncle (literally) buys them to set off ALL NIGHT LONG!! These are not just little firecrackers they are the fireworks your town sets off for Fourth of July and they are going off in every square inch of the city for 5 days straight. I'm so glad that I stayed in Shanghai to experience my first Chinese New Year but let me tell you next year I'm getting far away from China, I'm suprised I didn't blow my head off :)


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