Saturday, February 10, 2007

I had a fantastic trip back to NY for the holidays, it was so wonderful to see my family and friends. I was able to spend some time in NYC with my sister and nephew. It was so nice to be able to hold him and cuddle. He received nonstop kisses the whole time I was there. I look forward to seeing him on my webcam every chance I can. The time flew by when I was home as it usually does but it was so great to be back in the comfort of home and surrounded by the people I love.

I flew back to Shanghai for New Years Eve. I flew into Shanghai around 3:30, and went to my friends Betty and Jimmers to spend New Years with them. I had about two hours to rest and shower and then out the door for an eventful New Years Eve celebration. We had an incredible 5 course dinner and wine tasting and then the wigs came out for drinks and dancing at a bar upstairs from the restaurant. It was a late evening andI was exhausted from traveling all day. Jet lag is a very interesting thing! I slept the whole next day and was awake from midnight until 4:30am everyday for the next four days. I finally got back on track about a week later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suz-this is SOOO funny of you and Betty! Gosh, I so miss wearing a wig for no reason. Those really were the days! Glad you both keep on doing it .

12:19 AM  

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