Monday, November 27, 2006

I never thought I would be celebrating Thanksgiving in Shanghai. In celebration of this American holiday we had a wonderful feast in class and enjoyed a nice four day weekend.

I traveled to a town called Yangshuo with my roommate Anne, Kathy and Hans (Kathy's son). We took a two hour flight to Guilin and then a 1 1/2 cab ride to this gorgeous town.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better bring me one of those hats when you come home for xmas! It will go great with my pilgrim pj's.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just met with your mom and she gave me your blog. Very Cool!!! It doesn't look like you're having any fun...all work, no play. Like I told you before, enjoy this time of your life. If you get a chance when your home, call me to do a quick review. If I don't see you, enjoy the holidays with your family and don't hog Jacob!!

9:22 AM  

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