Friday, August 25, 2006

This is a huge flower tree that I was told represents the diversity in shanghai all coming together (not sure if it's true but it sounds nice) I guess they change the flower for each season.
ALPHA in Shanghai
This is Betty and Jimmer they both went to Potsdam. Betty is an alumni of my sorority. We met up for Happy Hour at the Blue Frog. They are wonderful! I'm looking forward to meeting up with them again soon.
These are my little Toucans. They are so cute! I had the art teacher paint this mural on our back wall. It looks great and make the classroom so colorful and bright!

Monday, August 21, 2006

First day of school lunch time
First day of school picture (this is for you mom :) )

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This is my classroom. It has been a lot of work setting up a Kindergarten classroom. It is not like a third grade room. I don't have a lot of materials for Kindergarten so I've been working away cutting and pasting trying to get prepared for the little muchkins to arrive next week. Our parent open house is tomorrow afternoon so hopefully it will be presentable by then.
This is my assistant teacher Judith. She is from the Philippines. She has been so helpful and creative in helping me set up. I am looking forward to working with her this year.
Calendar time: also very different from third grade. We devote about a half hour every morning to go over the calendar, days of the week, months, weather, and counting the days of school (when you get to one hundred days it is a huge celebration and project).
Our class is the Toucans (since the school is in the zoo every class has an animal) our calendar pieces are toucans with numbers on them. I told you my assistant was creative!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

My bedroom (huge bed!)
My roommate Anne (typical expression for everything going on around us :) )

New teacher Shanghai tour (great bunch of people)
Our lovely neon green kitchen
View from our balcony
Dinning table and breakfast nook
Gazebo in the zoo
It's amazing what people can carry on their bikes

This is the crew of teachers that were hired at the job fair in Iowa with me.
We all met in California and flew the 13 hours to Shanghai together
(Erin&Mike-Texas, Me, Rebecca-Chicago, Anne-Washington, Bill&Carissa-Arizona)