Sunday, December 23, 2007

These pictures are of Thanksgiving weekend. About nine other teachers that I work with went down to Hainan, an island in the very south of China. We stayed at the Holiday Inn on Sanya Bay. It was a very relaxing holiday weekend. The weather wasn't all that great, but we had just as much fun anyways...

As many of you know, I have an ugly fish phobia so as you may expect these are NOT my feet. I have no idea why anyone would want to sit in a hot spring fish massage pool and have thousands of ugly slimmy fish eat off your dead skin for a half hour, but everyone that did it said it was great?????
My new toy!!! I'm becoming more local everyday... o.k. maybe not but I do have a cool red fold up bike:)

I spent a week in Vietnam during our October "Moon Festival" week off of school. I went with another teacher from my school and met up with two other friends throughout the week. We started off in Ho Chi Minh then flew up to Hanoi, took an over night train to Sapa and a boat tour of Halong Bay. It was an amazing trip!
Six of my coworkers decided to take a bike trip outside of Shanghai for the weekend. It is nice to get away from the city for weekend trips and see some mountains and breathe in fresh air. Moganshan was about a 4 hour bus ride away. We spent the night at a lodge and got up early for a full day of biking around.

We learned about Harry Hatman for letter H so all the students wore their favorite hat to school.

One of my students' mom is a yoga instructor and asked if she could come in to teach a class to the children. The kindergartners did so good. I was the only one that kept falling over. I am so thankful to have such great parent involvement in my class this year.

As part of our Space unit I ask for parent volunteers to come in and help build a rocket for the classroom where the students could play inside and read books. I had no idea it was going to be this fantastic! The students all got to paint it and really enjoy going inside our "reading rocket". Thanks to these three moms for coming in to help!

We have a class hamster named "Cutie". The students love to play with her and they each get to take Cutie home for the weekend.

Every Kindergartner loves to go the fire station and practice stop, drop and roll.