Thursday, April 26, 2007

My friend Rachel came to Shanghai on a tour of China. She was the principal at Wilcox the school that I worked at on Kauai. It was so good to see her and hear all the Kauai news. She just retired the first of April. Congratulations!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Trat is the town we flew into from Bangkok, from here we took a 1o minute speed boat over to Koh Chang Island.

The first place we stayed at was the White Sand Beach Resort. We stayed here for two nights them moved up the beach for the second two nights.

Our beautiful little beach front bungalow.

Ahhh..... enjoying the sounds of the waves first thing in morning

The resaurant at the White Sands Beach Resort- Yummy food!

Yummy Pad Thai! I ate this at least once a day. One of my new favorite foods :)
What a beautiful life! Just give me a backpack and a beach and I am one happy camper :)
This massage parlor doesn't look like much but it may have been the best massages I have ever gotten.

We took a full day boat trip to some of the neighboring islands for some snorkeling. This spot was amazing! The coral was so bright and beautiful. Once I got over my fear of fish and made the boat crew stop feeding the fish so their weren't a million of them swimming around the boat I got the nerve to dive in and enjoy this underwater paradise.
This is the pool at the second resort we stayed at.
The bungalow all the way on the end was our second home for the last two nights.

The huge international Trat airport :) It was the cutest airport. They picked you up in these trams and drove you over to the one plane for boarding. Trat airport welcoming committee

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

These are the 2008 Beijing Olympic mascotts. They represent the elements of fire, water, earth, animals and wood (I think).
Count down until the opening ceremonies.
This is the Olympic Stadium, it is still in the finishing stages. Our driver pulled over on the highway so we could take a photo.

This was a very interesting food market in front of our hotel. What a random display of food. There were just the most outrageous food items for sale that people were actually buying. Ewwww.....

Almost all the small children in China own at least one pair of these breezy pants. It is meant for easy access of using the bathroom where ever possible. I have seen my share of children utilizing these pants on the side of the street.

The following pictures are of the Forbidden City in Beijing.